Daniel Schwake

Executive Director

Courses Taught

International Internship


Dr. Daniel Schwake was appointed the executive director for the University of Notre Dame in Jerusalem in April 2019.

Schwake joined Notre Dame after a decade in the consulting industry. He most recently held the position of principal (associate partner) in the strategy consulting firm Oliver Wyman. He provided advice to top executives of large corporations, financial institutions, regulators and ministries. He has led the execution of high profile engagements across the globe, covering a wide range of topics, incl. enterprise-wide strategy, financial planning, risk and regulation, re-organisation, and restructuring.

Previously, Schwake held a similar position with Deloitte and had previously worked in asset management with Deutsche Bank Group.

He holds a B.Sc. and Diploma (M.Sc.) in business administration from the University of Münster, and a doctorate in economics from the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany.

Schwake speaks fluent English, German, Arabic and Hebrew.

